
Preadmission Screening

Last updated May 25, 2023

State and federal statutes require preadmission screening (PAS) for all admissions to Medical Assistance (MA)-certified skilled nursing facilities, boarding care facilities and hospital swing beds, regardless of payer source.

Preadmission screening:

  • Establishes the need for nursing facility level of care
  • Connects people with services in the nursing facility and in their return home
  • Is required for nursing facility payment

How Does It Work?
Each state requires PAS; this process is for Minnesota nursing facility admissions. Prior to nursing facility admission, a qualified health care professional at a hospital, clinic, hospice or nursing facility must submit an online referral to the Senior LinkAge Line®. The Senior LinkAge Line will review that referral and if needed, refer it to a county, managed care organization or tribal nation. The Senior LinkAge Line may also follow up to offer support with the person’s transition home.

A person also may require a face-to-face county assessment before the nursing facility admission, if level of care cannot be determined, the person is under 21 or if the person has a developmental disability or a serious mental illness (OBRA II). If the person’s payer source is MA, the nursing facility will not be paid until the PAS (or, if needed, in-person assessment) has been completed and entered into the state system. To avoid MA payment denials, the nursing facility should always review the PAS final results from the Senior LinkAge Line or the lead agency before admission.

  • Be as accurate as possible. Small errors can cause processing delays.
  • Submit the PAS as far in advance as possible to ensure people receive any needed assessments and services in a timely manner.
  • Review PAS results for any needed additional assessments.
  • Share information about the Senior LinkAge Line and PAS process, so they understand when you ask for their consent for Senior LinkAge Line follow-up.
  • Do not submit a new PAS for those who transfer between MA-certified Minnesota nursing facilities or hospitals, unless the person has returned to the community or was admitted to a psychiatric unit or hospital.
For More Information


The Senior LinkAge Line® is a free, statewide service of the Minnesota Board on Aging in partnership with Minnesota’s Area Agencies on Aging. The Senior LinkAge Line helps older Minnesotans and caregivers find answers and connect to the services and support they need.

1-800-333-2433                                        Senior LinkAge Line - We Are Aging                                                       

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