
Last updated April 4, 2024

 When to use: 

When resource coordinator follows-up with a person they have been working with. 

 First 30 days: 

  • Current services:
    • Have they started – offering a 3 way call to home care agency if needed
  • Medications: filled, understanding, concerns?
    • Special enrollment period: Is there a part D plan needing review?
  • Primary Care: any appointments or trips to the ER
  • Falls: cause/how many/encourage conversation with primary care or classes
  • Review emergency plan: review/develop/resources needed (i.e. Personal Emergency Response System)
  • Durable medical equipment: did they get anything new/do they need anything?  
  • Seasonal: risks/tasks
  • Additional referrals needed?
  • Backup caregiver plan: what would you do if something happened to your caregiver? Has anything changed with your caregiver?

 Caregiver questions: 

  • Current services for them: caregiver consultant, respite, adult day, support groups, etc.
  • Are your able to get their own needs met like getting to appointments, time away, maintaining healthy eating and sleeping habits?
  • Should they have their own support plan/client record?

 In-person home visit: 

  • Environmental review: observation and discussion if notable concerns within CLS scope.
    • Clutter, rugs, stairs, safe exit plans, disorderly medication, concerns with pets and other.

 Semi-annual check-in questions: 

  • Current services
  • Has anything become more difficult?
  • Falls
  • Hospital/ER visits
  • Medications
  • Financial situation: any changes?
  • Seasonal: risks/tasks
  • Backup caregiver plan