
Last updated April 2, 2024

 Clues that the call may be an emergency/crisis: 

  • Person is speaking in an urgent, rushed way
  • Person mentions basic needs not being met (no access to medication, food, utilities shut off, etc.)
  • Any suicidal ideation
    • Person expresses despondency, feelings of isolation, or loneliness. Talking about wondering "why they are still here. "
    • Crying and saying, "I just can't do this anymore."
    • Sometimes it's direct, "I want to end my life." 
  • A lot of swearing or if someone is just raging. 
  • Knowing there is a vulnerable person with the person that is raging. 

 Important information to collect: 

  • Name of client
  • Callback number
  • Client's current location with address

 Mental health crisis: 


 Suicide prevention: 


 Calling the police: 


 Wellness checks: 


 Crisis response in MN Help: 

 After the Call is Over: 

  1. Debrief with a supervisor
  2. Document the call thoroughly in CTS
    • What did the person say? 
    • What steps did you take? 
    • Strategies you used to de-escalate the caller? 
    • Who did you connect them with?
    • What happened in the end?
    • What is your plan for follow-up?
  3. If needed, develop a plan with your supervisor to follow-up with the individual the next business day.