Last updated October 24, 2024
When to use:
Instructions for PAS staff to enter PAS into MMIS.
PAS Staff will use MMIS user guide to log into MMIS and check the RSUM, RWVR and RPPH screens for program enrollments. SLL will not enter the PAS into MMIS if a person is on AC, EW, CADI, CAC, BI, SNBC, MSHO or MSC+. If the person is not on the programs listed, SLL must continue to the procedure below and enter the PAS into MMIS.
Note: All screenshots show fictitious or redacted data.
Use Tab to move to each field. If there are errors, they will appear in red. You must correct them prior to continuing to the next screen.
If a screening document (SD) was entered prior to this PAS, the fields that were previously completed will be filled in. Delete these values and enter the current values for all fields. If a field is not required, but it has a value entered, delete that value as well. Only those fields required for a PAS should be completed.
Adding the preadmission screening:
- To add a SD for an individual, place an X next to the SCREENINGS option.
- Press Ctrl or Enter using your numeric keypad.
- SLL specialists will be taken to the following screen:
- First, next to ACTION CODE, enter the letter I for inquiry to first view the client history.
- By entering the letter I, it will automatically take you to the DOCUMENT TYPE field, in which you will enter L for LTC.
- To view DD screenings that may have been entered for this person, enter a D in this field. A list of all DD screenings should appear. Simply having a DD screening listed will show that there is a previous history of suspicion of DD. Please work with the PAS quality assurance leads in the CSC to verify if a referral should occur for OBRA Level II DD.
- Tab to the RECIPIENT ID field. Enter the Personal Master Index (PMI) of the person. Press Ctrl or Enter on the numeric keypad to see the list of previous SDs for this individual.
- Check for OBRA II referrals on the ALT2 screen of each SD within the last 6 months. If an OBRA II referral is indicated within the last 6 months, schedule a Task to the CSC Queue in the CTS for PAS quality assurance leads to verify if a referral should occur for OBRA II.
- If there is a list of SDs and the most recent SD shows an Activity Type of 13, it means the person is showing as open to a waiver program and a PAS cannot be entered. Verify through the RECIPIENT FILE APPLICATION if the person is, in fact, on a waiver. If the person is not on a waiver (meaning the waiver has an end date), contact the lead agency to resolve this issue; most likely, an exit document was never entered for the individual.
- Note: Individuals on managed care, Alternative Care or waivers should be forwarded to the lead agency and SLL will not process the PAS, so it will be rare that Activity Type 13 will be visible to a specialist.
- SDs must be entered in chronological order. If there is a SD entered with a date later than the referral date listed on the PAS, this later SD must be deleted prior to entering the earlier PAS, see Screening Deletions
- Hit F6 to return to the main page and follow the steps below if a PAS can be entered.
Do not continue to the steps of entering a PAS until you have viewed the LTC and DD screenings first.
- Next to ACTION CODE, enter A for Add.
- This should automatically place the cursor in the DOCUMENT TYPE field. Enter L for LTC screenings.
- Tab over to the RECIPIENT ID field. Enter the person’s PMI.
- Hit Ctrl or Enter on the numeric keypad.
ALT1 Screen:
- Specialists should now be taken to the ALT1 screen to begin entering the PAS. Please note that only the fields listed below this screenshot need to be completed.
- CLIENT NAME/ID: This field should be auto filled based on the PMI that was used on the initial screen. The name will auto populate after the SD is entered and approved.
- DATE SUB: This is the date the information is entered into MMIS. This date will auto populate to the current date. This date cannot and should not be edited.
- DOB: Enter the person’s DOB in a MMDDYYYY format. It must exactly match what is already in MMIS. An error will occur if this date does not match, which must be corrected prior to continuing to the next screen.
- To view the DOB that MMIS has on file, hit F4 and it will take you to the RECIPIENT screen with the DOB listed.
- Press F6 to be taken back to the screening and enter the DOB listed in MMIS.
- REF DATE: Enter the date the PAS was submitted based on the time stamp on the PAS. Enter in the format of MMDDYY.
- ACTIVITY TYPE: This should always be 01, the code for a telephone screen.
- ACT DT: Enter the date the PAS was submitted based on the time stamp on the PAS. Enter in the format of MMDDYY.
- COS, COR & CFR: For all three fields, use the code for the county of financial responsibility (CFR) of the most recently listed major program (anything but UN - Unknown) on the RSUM or RELG page of the recipient subsystem of MMIS.
- If there is not a CFR of a major program listed, for all three fields use the code for their county of residence (COR) according to the PAS.
- If the person is from another state, list the COR as 089 for out of state and COS and CFR as the county code of the SNF.
- If the person is listed as homeless and there is no CFR, enter the county code of the SNF.
- If CFR is any MN Tribe, use last LTCC screening county for all 3. If no LTCC, use COR on PAS.
- If there is not a CFR of a major program listed, for all three fields use the code for their county of residence (COR) according to the PAS.
- LTCC CTY: Enter SLL.
- DD DIAGNOSIS HISTORY: Enter Y or N, based on the information on the PAS.
- DD DIAGNOSIS: If Y is chosen, enter the ICD code from the PAS.
- MI DIAGNOSIS HISTORY: Enter Y or N, based on the information on the PAS. Substance use and dementia disorders should not be listed here. If a diagnosis is listed but the ICD code was not provided you can use the following codes if applicable:
- F25.9 - Schizoaffective Disorder
- F20.9 - Unspecified Schizophrenia, Unspecified State
- F31.9 - Bipolar Disorder, Unspecified
- F41.9 - Anxiety State, Unspecified
- F60.9 – Personality Disorder, Unspecified
- F32.9 - Depressive Disorder Not Elsewhere Classified (Depression)
- ICD-10 data may also be a helpful site
- BI DIAGNOSIS HISTORY: Enter Y or N, based on the information on the PAS.
- BI DIAGNOSIS: If Y is chosen, enter the ICD code provided.
- General BI diagnosis code that can be used: Z87.820 – Personal History of Traumatic Brain Injury
- Hit Ctrl or Enter on the numeric keypad to continue to the ALT2 screen.
ALT2 Screen:
Specialists should now be taken to the ALT2. Please note that only the fields listed below this screenshot need to be completed.
- CURRENT LA: Use the value in the Current Living Arrangement field on the PAS.
- PLANNED LA: Use the value in the Planned Living Arrangement field on the PAS.
- TEAM: Enter 05 for SLL.
- HOSP TRNF: Enter Y for yes if the person is being admitted to the nursing facility from an acute hospital (a hospital is the submitter). Enter N for no, if the person is being admitted from another setting.
- OBRA LVL 1 SCR: Enter Y, as the OBRA Level 1 Screening was completed.
- CURR HOUSING: Enter the appropriate Housing Type code on the PAS.
- MI DX: Enter N if no OBRA II MI referral or Y, if there was a referral.
- DD DX: Enter N if no OBRA II DD referral or Y, if there was a referral.
- Hit Ctrl or Enter on the numeric keypad to continue to the ALT3 screen.
ALT3 Screen:
Specialists should now be taken to the ALT3 screen. Please note only the fields listed below this screenshot need to be completed.
- Enter the value from the PAS for the following fields: DRESSING, GROOMING, BATHING, EATING, BED MOB (bed mobility), TRANSFER (transferring), WALKING, BEHAVIOR, TOILET (toileting) SPC TRMT (special treatments), CL MONITOR (clinical monitoring), ORIENT (orientation), SLF PRES (self-preservation), HEARING, VISION, FALLS
- NEURO DX: Y for Yes, N for No.
- CASE MIX: See DHS-3428B: AC, BI, CADI, EW Case Mix Classification Worksheet.
- Do not enter a value for the mechanical vent question. This is for lead agency use when the person is on Elderly Waiver.
- Hit Ctrl or Enter on the numeric keypad to continue to the ALT4 screen.
ALT4 Screen:
On the ALT4 screen, only the fields listed below this screenshot should be completed.
- ASSESSMENT RESULTS/EXIT RSNS: Enter the assessment results using the coding below with information from the PAS:
- 04 – Person will/resides in a nursing facility or certified boarding care.
- This is the value that should be used if someone is coming from the community and not from the hospital.
- 07 – Hospital discharge to a nursing facility – short stay of 90 days or fewer.
- This value should only be used if the person is coming from the hospital for a stay of fewer than 90 days.
- 08 – Hospital discharge to nursing facility – long stay of 91 days or longer.
- This value should only be used if the person is coming from the hospital for a stay of more than 90 days or if the length of stay is Unknown.
- 29 – Undecided/undetermined
- This field should only be used when the level of care result is 08, as the result cannot be determined, and a face-to-face assessment is required.
- 04 – Person will/resides in a nursing facility or certified boarding care.
- EFFECTIVE DT: Enter the date the PAS was submitted based on the time stamp on the PAS. Enter in the format of MMDDYY.
- INFORMED CHOICE: This field will always be Y for yes.
- LVL OF CARE: Enter the value of the level of care based on the following coding using the information from the PAS. Choose from the following options:
- 02 – NF/Certified Boarding Care (This means based on the information provided, the person meets level of care.)
- 08 – May be appropriate for NF, refer to LTCC (This means based on the information provided, a face-to-face assessment is required as level of care cannot be determined.)
- When this value is chosen, ASSESSMENT RESULTS/EXIT RSNS must be 29 – Undecided/undetermined.
- TOILETING: Enter Y or N based on the Toileting Supervision field in the ADL's section of the PAS.
- PROGRAM TYPE: 00 should always be entered for none.
Review edits and save:
- Review the next few pages, including ALT5, deleting any codes or notes on those pages from past SDs. You can access any of the ALT screens by typing in the name of the screen you wish to view beside the field labeled NEXT.
- Press F9 to check for any edits that need to be made the document. Edits are coded problems and will appear at the bottom of the screen. You can find more information on the edits and what the problem is by placing the cursor on the edit number and pressing F4. This will provide additional information on a reference screen.
- Edits with a status of 6 are informational only and the document can still be submitted, but edits should still be reviewed.
- Edits with a status of 3 will deny the document if not corrected.
- Edits with a status of 4 put a SD in suspended status until corrections are made.
- Some common edits that may appear include:
- Edit 822 NF Track # Missing will always show as an edit, but this is a 6 or informational edit and does not need to be corrected.
- Edit 283/281 Recipient has other PMI Numbers means there are additional PMIs. Press F4 to ensure you are entering the PAS into the Keeper PMI, indicated by a message at the bottom of the RSUM screen, then press F3 to return to the SD. Next to the 283 edit, there is an editable field with the number 4, replace the 4 with the letter F to force the SD.
- Edit 780 means that there is an open or pending waiver or AC program, or an exit document needs to be entered. The PAS document cannot be entered until resolved through the following steps:
- Ensure the person is not currently on a waiver (except DD) or the Alternative Care program by pressing F4.
- Press F6 to exit the SD without saving it.
- View the code of the last SD that was entered and if it is 41 and the screening took place within the last 60 days, the PAS does not need to be entered. Follow all other protocol steps as if PAS was entered by SLL and document the 780 in a log note.
- If the person is not on a waiver or AC and there is not a 41 code that was completed within 60 days, contact the case manager who entered the SD and try to resolve (usually an exit document is needed with a correct exit reason). To view the case manager’s contact information, use your mouse to select the provider number, press F4 and then press Enter.
- If the phone number for the case manager does not work, use the contact for the county on the PAS contact list.
- If unable to resolve with the case manager after several attempts, submit a support request with the person’s name, DOB, PMI, and the case manager’s name, phone number, which county/MCO and date contacted. The SLL Team will review the issue and determine next steps.
- S635-010 MAJOR PROGRAMS ARE NOT COMPATIBLE means there are overlapping eligibility spans in MMIS. This error will allow the SD to approve but not save. Submit a support request for resolution.
- Using F3 or F6 will bring you back to the document after viewing the edit text.
- After making the needed corrections, press F9 to verify if edits are resolved and the document status is A for approved. You will see this in the DOCUMENT STATUS (Doc Stat) field where it will either remain S (suspended), D (denied) or it will change to A (approved).
- If you cannot determine a reason the document cannot be approved, press F6 to exit the document. Schedule a Task in the CTS to the CSC Queue with the person’s name, DOB, PMI and PAS confirmation number for assistance resolving.
- Once approved, save the document with the F3 key. This exits you from the document and you should receive the message, Action Completed, at the bottom of the key panel screen.
- After hitting F3 to save a document, always use the Inquiry feature to ensure the document was saved and now appears in the list of SDs for the person as approved.
Screening deletions:
If an error is made on the SD, or the SLL SD is causing sequencing issues, the PAS will need to be deleted from MMIS before any other SDs should be entered. To have a screening deleted, schedule a same day task in CTS to the CSC Queue, Subject: “PAS Deletion Needed -<Client Name>" Description: PAS deletion needed. PMI: 00000000 SD: (document number) Date of SD: 00/00/00 Reason: (entered wrong date, county needs to enter screening dated prior).”
- If you need the lead agency to delete a screening, contact the case manager who entered the screening, or the contact on the PAS Contact list.