Last updated December 5, 2023
When to use:
When changing your personal view of clients, contacts, cases, or providers in CTS, these fields have been vetted and are available to use. If you do not find a field matching the data you are looking for, please contact DHS Senior LinkAge Line staff for assistance.
- Client region
- Created by, modified by, or owner (to identify staff)
- Housing type
- How heard about
- Language spoken
- Marital status
- Created on, modified on (for dates)
- Preferred method of contact
- Age or Age Calculation
- Legal Gender
- Lives with
- Race (just remember this is a multi-selected field)
- Ethnicity
- Created on, modified on
- Created by, modified by, or owner (to identify staff)
- Activity type
- Case Title and/or Case Number
- Case mix
- Processed in MMIS
- Contains Attachments
- Date of privacy acceptance
- Application
- Status
- Related Online Form
Preadmission screening (PAS) data fields:
- Case:
- Age
- PAS Outcome
- Submitting provider agency
- Anticipated length of stay
- Date of PAS
- Online form:
- Level of Care Result PAS
- OBRA Level 1 DD Results PAS
- OBRA Level 1 MI Result PAS
- First name (use the second option for the submitter's name)
- Direct phone number (the first one for the submitter)
- Email (the second one for the submitter)
- Providers
- The person gave consent for Senior LinkAge Line...
- Date of PAS
Return to community (RTC) data fields:
- Application:
- Source
- Screening for eligibility
- Initial contact outcome
- Reason for close
- Case mix
- Cases:
- Support plan (use the first option)
- Support plan implementation date
- Reason for temporary