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How to: Genesys - Support Chats

Last updated September 14, 2023

 When to use: 

Within Genesys, there are several chats provided by the MBA-SLL Team. These can be accessed through the chat icon on the left navigation. 

 Important to know: 

  • Staff have been added to the support chat groups needed for their role.
  • Please favorite the chats so they appear at the top.
  • You can mute notifications for individual chats in the top right corner of the chat:

Screenshot of the Mute Notifications button in a Genesys chat window.

  • Other people in the chat can see all messages within the chat, even messages sent before the person was added.
  • Other people who are not currently logged into Genesys may belong to the chat but do not appear in the participants list until logged in.
  • You can tag people by using “@” and then typing the person’s name
  • You can respond to specific messages by hovering to the right of a chat and clicking the ”
  • To limit distractions and discourage staff from muting support chats, please limit responses such as "okay" and "thank you" in support chats--especially if you are a third party to the conversation. 

 Data Management Program (MNHelp): 


 General Support: 


 MBA announcements: 


 Medicare & Benefits Support: 


 PAS Support: 


 Supervisor Support: