Last updated October 8, 2024
When to use:
Introduction to the Client Services Center (CSC), who they are and how they can help.
The CSC supports the work of the Senior LinkAge Line statewide.
General CSC are tier three resource specialists who assist with research, resolution of complex issues, policy clarification, and provide quality assurance related to Medicare and Medical Assistance.
Preadmission screening (PAS) CSC are tier two preadmission screening specialists who provide support for PAS and level of care redeterminations.
General CSC work:
- Problem solving complex issues related to Medicare, Medical Assistance and other types of health insurance with appropriate health care providers
- Responding to live chats from the Senior LinkAge Line website
- Providing advocacy or referral options to people or providers for claims issues
- Reporting concerns of violations of rules, statutes, policies or procedures
- Distributing Senior LinkAge Line outreach materials or other approved correspondence with partners
- MMIS benefit lookups for Senior LinkAge Line staff who do not have MMIS access
- Providing accurate information to providers and people about the Senior LinkAge Line services that are available
- Meet and greet with new staff about CSC
- Providing technical assistance and training to individual staff or groups of staff on:
- Genesys, Extranet and
- MMIS and MAXIS (as appropriate)
- Medicare and Medicare supplemental options
- Other trainings (either online or in person) identified by the MBA-SLL Team and announced via weekly email
PAS CSC work:
- Problem solving complex issues related to preadmission screening, OBRA Level II referrals and level of care
- Providing oversight and quality assurance for PAS and OBRA Level II referrals
- Preadmission screening deletions
- Working with state officials and call center staff to ensure federal preadmission screening rules and regulations are followed
- Providing training to individual staff or groups of staff on:
- Preadmission screening policies and procedures
- Level of care redetermination policies and procedures
- Overview of OBRA Level II referrals
- Level of care
- MMIS and MAXIS (as appropriate)
How to access CSC:
If you need to make a referral to the CSC follow the specific procedures below:
- *Medicare Counseling: How to refer complex issues to the General CSC
- *PAS Protocol: When to send OBRA II and level of care referrals to PAS CSC
- MMIS PAS entry: How to send screening deletion requests to the PAS CSC
*Found in iSpring's policies and procedures in My Courses.
If you need live/instant/urgent support from the CSC, you can utilize the support chats.
General CSC Staff:
Linda Tobias
Linda began working with the Senior LinkAge Line in 1999. She is one of the original CSC specialists. Over time, the CSC has developed into a specialty program developing education and training materials, while still problem-solving issues for the people we serve. Linda has developed many close relationships with providers and contacts which allows CSC to better serve Minnesotans. Linda is employed by Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging.
Katie Gillette
Katie has worked with the Senior LinkAge Line since 2009. She spent eight years as an resource specialist on the phone and has a background with county human services and health care programs. Katie also specializes in appeals, especially those related to hospital admission status. Katie is employed by Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging.
Sarah Reiman
Sarah has worked with the Senior LinkAge Line since 2012. She joined CSC in the fall of 2023 and prior to that she worked with Senior LinkAge Line volunteers, outreach, and most recently several years as a resource specialist on the phone. Sarah enjoys teaching people about Medicare, helping them understand their options, and talking through complex situations with other Senior LinkAge Line staff. Sarah is employed by Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging.
Kim Maas
Kim has worked with the Senior LinkAge Line since 2022. Prior to coming to the Senior Linkage Line, she worked in the subsidized housing field. She joined CSC in the spring of 2024. Kim enjoys helping individuals solve complex problems such as Medicare, Medicaid, and managed care programs. She is employed by the Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging.
Roxanne Hedlund
Roxanne has worked with the Senior LinkAge Line since fall 2022 and joined CSC Spring 2024. Prior to coming to Senior LinkAge Line, she worked in the Long-Term Care field. Roxanne enjoys helping others find solutions to their problems and meeting their needs and is employed by Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging.
Jennie Brouse
Jennie has worked with the Senior LinkAge Line since spring 2022 and joined CSC in summer 2024. Prior to working for the Senior Linkage Line, she worked as a health insurance navigator, helping Minnesotans enroll in health coverage through MNSure. Jennie enjoys teaching others about Medicare, particularly those who are New to Medicare, as well as talking with other Senior LinkAge Line staff about how to resolve complex issues. Jennie is employed by the Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging.
PAS CSC Staff:
Kristen Mullen
Kristen has been working with the Senior LinkAge Line since the spring of 2014. She has a background in county case management, nursing home social services and adult foster care supervision. Kristen enjoys learning through experience and helping specialists solve problems. Kristen is employed by Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging.
Jen Pieske
Jen has been working with the Senior LinkAge Line since the fall of 2011. She spent the first five years with as a resource specialist and has always enjoyed troubleshooting problems. Jen transitioned to CSC in 2017. She enjoys the complexity of the work and being able to help PAS staff statewide. Jen is employed by Minnesota River Area Agency on Aging.
Bethany Theisen
Bethany has been working with the Senior LinkAge Line since the fall of 2017. She was a resource specialist and then transitioned to PAS in early 2018. Bethany joined the Tier 2 PAS team in the summer of 2023 and transitioned to PAS Supervisor at Central during the fall of 2024. She enjoys that every day comes new challenges and situations to work through and likes helping others. Bethany is employed by Central Minnesota Council on Aging.
Krista Zierden
Krista has been working with the Senior LinkAge Line since March 2024. She started as a Preadmission Screening Specialist – Tier 1 and transitioned into the Tier 2 role in September 2024. She enjoys the depth of the work that CSC brings and being able to work with the providers. Krista is employed by Central Minnesota Council on Aging.