
Last updated April 16, 2024

 When to use: 

As a guide when using MAXIS.

MAXIS is a computer system used by state and county workers to determine eligibility for public assistance and health care. Designated Senior LinkAge Line staff have access to MAXIS for the purposes of preadmission screening and troubleshooting complicated benefit issues. The following Senior LinkAge Line roles are allowed access: 

  • Preadmission screening specialists and PAS support specialists will have write-access to MAXIS to create and change PMIs if needed. 
  • Tier 3 resource specialists will have read-only access to view case notes for troubleshooting complicated benefit issues. 

Requesting access for the approved roles listed above will follow the same procedure as MMIS. MAXIS will be accessed by approved users through the same software, usernames, and passwords as their MMIS accounts


When using MAXIS, it is important to remember the minimum necessary rule: only look up the information that is necessary to conduct your work. In addition, you should never look up information about friends, family members or acquaintances.

Information in MAXIS notes can be shared with the person when necessary, unless the note specifically states it is confidential. The person should already know most information that is recorded in the notes.

Note: All screenshots show fictitious or redacted data, not actual personal data.


 Logging in to MAXIS: 


 Searching for a record: 


 Viewing Case Notes: 


 Viewing Address History: 


 Logging out of MAXIS: