
Last updated July 2, 2024

 When to use: 

SHIP IDs are used by select Senior LinkAge Line staff to access beneficiary information via a phone number set up by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Having a SHIP Unique ID allows you to contact 1-888-647-6701 on behalf of a beneficiary and prioritizes your call over other callers (less hold time) to the 1-800-Medicare phone number. This special phone number is designated for use by State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) staff only and is not to be shared with anyone. 


  • CMS requires that Senior LinkAge Line staff complete Medicare training (101, 201, and 301--previously known as Core Body of Knowledge) and become a certified SHIP counselor prior to requesting a SHIP Unique ID.
  • After completing Medicare training, a confidentiality statement must be signed and dated by you and your supervisor before receiving your SHIP Unique ID. 
  • Staff are required to complete a new confidentiality statement form twice per year (May and November) to maintain your ship Unique ID access.
    • Individuals who do not submit a new form to the designated staff by the due date will have their SHIP Unique ID deactivated.

 Obtaining a SHIP Unique ID: 


 Using your SHIP Unique ID: 


 Examples of SHIP Assistance: 


 What to do if you forget, lose, or give out your SHIP Unique ID: