
Last updated December 18, 2024

 When to use: 

As a point of reference for how to help callers with Medicare 2025 changes. 


 General OEP guidance: 


 $2,000 cap on out-of-pocket prescription drug costs: 


 2025 Annual Health Plan Selection (AHPS) - information from DHS: 


 Benchmark Plans in 2025: 


 Changes to Notices - information from DHS: 


 Dual eligible special enrollment periods: 


 Enrollments in CTS: 


 Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) program: 


 Health Care Choices - how to tell callers about this change: 


 Mailings from CMS, Social Security, and plans in 2024/2025: 


 Medical Assistance: 


 Medicare Part D Low-Income Subsidy (LIS) copayment levels: 


 Medicare Prescription Payment Plan (MPPP): 


 New Medigap OEP delayed until August 1, 2026: 


 Part D drug pricing on Medicare Plan Finder tool (enhanced alternative, defined standard, basic alternative, etc.): 


 Partner contact information - information from DHS: 


 Senior Programs - information from DHS: 


 Special Enrollment Periods (SEPs) in 2025: 


 Special Needs BasicCare - information from DHS: 


 Tracking Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Assistance in the CTS: